Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mom's Back!

Alright everybody, brace yourselves.........Today was awesome! I don't know what happened but it's as though someone charged the batteries in my Mom and now she works again. She was Mom again! She stayed in her room as usual but the way she was talking and laughing and smiling was different. She had energy.

I woke up at 11:00 thinking, "Dang I slept in late!" So I hurried to my Mom's room to find her talking with Dawn and Amanda. I could already tell that she was feeling different. The tone of defeat was gone. They had a good conversation about life and important things and I just sat and listened and even though they were crying, I couldn't help but enjoy how good she sounded. This energy lasted throughout the day. She had a lot of visitors but they didn't wear her out. Her sister-in-law, Ruth Ellen came by and I listened as they laughed together about old times. Then her sister Barb stopped by and had dinner with us and still, Mom felt great. When the time came to say good night, my Mom volunteered to say a family prayer and the whole thing was about how grateful she is. She was just so positive. I was amazed at how incredible my Mom is. Through all of this, she can still feel grateful and happy. I'll never forget how relieved I felt to see a genuine smile on my Mom's face tonight. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I don't know what happened. Maybe it was the extra steroid she took. But I really hope these kind of days continue.

Keep smiling Mom! We all need it.


amanda said...

I felt the same way. Too bad things are so hard for her because I would like her to stay here forever; even if it is like this. She continues to make us feel better everyday. We truly are lucky that we get to have her as a mom. I'd like to think I chose her and I chose well!!

Brooke said...

That is wonderful to hear! I hope those days continue for your mother and your family. Isn't it funny how even when they are suffering, mom's always put their children first. That's a mother's love. I'm so glad that you are able to talk openly with your mom about everything you want to. These are times to cherish and I know that you guys are.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you had a great day with Kathy! You are an amazing family. Josh, I'm very proud of you.


Becky, yep said...

Here spirit astounds me! I don't think I could be as positive as she is through all of this!

Thank you Kathy for continuing to bouy up all those around you!

Debbie said...

Josh, Here's to many more "up"days.
I also love the spirit of love I feel in your home.