Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Strange Saturday with Bikes and Horses...

Yesterday I woke up hoping to get Mom out of her room to see if a change of scenery would help her. No such luck though. She doesn't want to leave her bedroom. She had a visit from her good friends, Dan and Marie Poulson in the morning and another visit from the Tate family later in the afternoon, and then spent most of the day snoozing, visiting with friends and family, or just relaxing.

I hardly saw my Mom at all yesterday. I felt like a jerk. I went for a bike ride in Corner Canyon that took a little longer than I thought it would. I'm not very fast though. I'm still just a noob. It was awesome though. My friends and brother-in-law, Brett came with me and it was really fun and a nice break from the house. I was really stinky when I got home.

After my bike ride I went with all of my sisters to the horse show. My Mom has had many jobs but none of us can figure out why she has worked for the Utah All Breeds Horse Association since she is scared of horses. We have loved helping her throughout the years with each show though. Last night they put together a very nice dedication for her. Two of my sisters, Amanda and Ashley took my Mom's job when she quit a couple years ago so they were in the dedication.... on horses. We all laughed when we first heard it but after seeing them on a horse I was very glad they did it. It wasn't funny to me at all, it was cool. My mom would have loved it. They said a few nice words for her and had a moment of silence. It's really cool to see that there are hundreds more people who care about my Mom. I sometimes forget just how popular she is.

My Mom's friends The Poulsons

Me on my bike ride.

Amanda and Ashley on horses. Good job guys. That was sweet!

So far today she has felt a little better than yesterday. I hope this continues.


Becky, yep said...

that is kind of a strange day but sounds like a good one! Hope it keeps going up!

amanda said...

That was really very awkward to be on a horse. I really hope it puts a smile on mom's face. See you later today.

Debbie said...

I really loved the pictures of Ashley and Amanda on horses. And what a tribute to kathy! She has done that for so long. I hope today was a better day.

kami @ said...

Such good friends our parents have had over the years.

Dawn said...

I loved the tribute! I cried my eyes out watching it and cried again tonight watching it on film.

Mom touched so many people lives. The people at the horse show love her. The people of NAEO love her. Our patients love her. We love her.

Anything she was a part of ... everything she touched ... turned into something special. I hope to, someday, be half the person she was. I love you Mom!

Becca said...

Look at you on the horse, Amanda! Fantastic. Been thinking about your family~even though I don't know everyone that well, I just think you're all wonderful and just hope that you will all feel comforted at this time.