Friday, July 18, 2008


Today Mom was feeling tired. She didn't get a whole lot of sleep the night before so she spent most of the morning catching up. She finished her letters to her children with Ashley and then took a few naps. We decided to have a huge family dinner for Adam's birthday and we thought we should get Mom's favorite food. It has been a tradition in our family to go to the Pagoda (or Pagoda's according to us) for special occasions. It's also a secret tradition for my Mom to take her kids there for dinner every time my Dad is out of town. (Sorry Dad.) The owners of the restaurant are good friends of my parents and they have always treated us well. We all love their food but my Mom thinks that it is simply the best. We called in a huge order so Adam and I went to pick it up. We had a nice talk with Jody, who runs the restaurant and she couldn't believe the news about my Mom. She is very nice. Then we took the food home to everyone (including my aunt, Ruth Ellen) waiting for us. They set up a big table in the hallway outside my Mom's bedroom with a table cloth and everything. Since she can't come down stairs anymore, we brought the dinner table to her. It looked very fancy. It was just like we were at a restaurant. We wheeled Mom out to the head of the table and she looked so happy to finally leave her bedroom (which she hasn't for about a week.) We ate a ton. Mom was so happy to have her favorite meal at an actual dinner table with her family. After dinner we all said good night and left Mom feeling great. It was another good day.

That was fun Mom. Keep the good days coming!


The Gatherum Family said...

How cute is your family?!?!!??? That is such a great idea. I am glad you guys are being blessed with some really good days and some pricelesss memories. Isn't it so weird how you adjust to this new normal when a week ago you never thought you would? That is the way it is and will continue to be. You are ALL in my thoughts and my heart everyday. It makes me so sad you have to go through this experience but at the same time, I know that I have been blessed beyond measure in my experiences and I know that you feel that way too. It's a double edged sword, one that's hard to find the good and postive in, but you guys are doing it. Here's to many more GOOD days...and to Pagoda's...YUM!!!

dianne said...

That looks so fun. I'm glad you brought Pagados to your mom. I have many fond memories of going to Pagodas with Helen and Ralph and their family. Most of my fun memories of when I was a child was with Helen and Ralph and Kathy and Mike. They were so special to me. I love your mom so much and all your family. We think of you every day. Have more fun days. Love, Dianne

Debbie said...

That is such an "Upper"! Who thought of that great idea? You kids keep amazing all of us who read this blog. What a fun, thoughtful thing to do for Kathy.

Shauna said...

I remember that your family loves Pagoda, funny. What a great thing to do for your mom.

Becky, yep said...

What a great idea! Sounds like just what the doctor ordered!