Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Strange New Attitude...

Today was good. My Mom took another easy day with a lot of rest and down time. I spent most of my day in and out of the house so I didn't spend a whole lot of time with her but when I was with her, her mood seemed up and her energy was good. She took a long nap in the middle of the day and my sisters spent the most of the day with her. Even by the end of the day she was still happy and energetic. I like when she feels good. We all feel a little less stressed.

Today I went to Orem to paint. I've been hired to paint a castle on a wall for a little girl and I was finally able to get out there and work on it. While I was painting, something happened to me and I suddenly decided that this whole "give up" attitude has to go. The mood of everyone lately has a general undertone of defeat. I guess I'm just fed up with it. After all, my Mom doesn't have to die yet. She could still be healed. Why not? Stranger things have happened. I went back home from painting with the thought that she might just be back to normal. She wasn't when I got there but these things take time. I guess what I'm getting at is we shouldn't lose hope just yet. If we're supposed to actually believe in things like a senile old man gathering up two of every animal on the planet (including cobras) and fitting them all on a boat, then we should believe that these tumors in my Mom's body can simply dissapear. Like I said, stranger things HAVE happened and I'm not ready to abandon hope for her yet. After all, she is my Mom and I won't lose her without a good fight. She's worth it.


Debbie said...

Josh, I laughed outloud about the cobras. What about flys??? WHY? I'm with you. There is never a reason to give up hope. See you today.

amanda said...

I needed to hear that. You have a way of putting every one at peace. You're like Grandpa Ralph. I love you Joshie. Good attitude. I'm with you, I'm NOT ready to let her go just yet. (sorry mom:)

kami @ said...

Such a good attitude Josh. Why would he bring cobras? He should have left them, I think. You are funny.

Brandon Wilde said...

I totally believe.