Monday, July 14, 2008

Seems Like Old Times.....Almost.

Mom felt pretty good yesterday. We had another full house all day but Mom remained happy and looked very peaceful. Even though it's a huge crowd, Mom loves her family. She lets us wear her out. It must be stressful with all these kids around her but maybe the stress gets her mind off other things... like stupid cancer.

We all spent the day just hangin at the house. My sisters stayed in her room all day with her. She had a lot of visitors. Her old friends the Bengtzens and the Stewarts came to see her. She loves them a lot. We probably won't be able to get her to come downstairs anymore but that's ok. We like being in her (freezing) room with her. We showed her the video from the horse show dedication and she was very touched. Everyone cried with her as she watched it. Then her granddaughter Jessica played her a song that she wrote for her. It was awesome. She's a great song writer and piano player. Even though we are just sitting around doing nothing with our Mom, we often forget to make dinner, but these days, that's not a problem. Her neighborhood has been so great to us and our freezers are fully stocked with meals. So we picked one out and threw it together. Very convenient. After dinner we hung out some more and Mackenzie, another granddaughter, painted her toenails. We had a great evening. Then we had a family prayer and said good night. It was a big day but I caught my Mom laughing the way she used to a couple of times and I've really missed that. These great days are such a blessing but they remind me of how much I really really miss my old life. Thank you all so much for everything.


Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Hi Josh - I'm Amanda's friend from Dixie College (way back when...). I've been reading your thoughtful updates on your mom and I'm so glad to hear that you guys had a good day yesterday. I keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. I can't even imagine what this must be like for all of you. I'm amazed at your family's strength and your faithful examples. Your mom is a very special lady. Thanks for sharing your love for her with with us.

Dawn said...

It was a great & big day, yesterday! Today was great too.

I know you have struggled lately with what to say to keep people updated, but you always capture the day - exactly. Sometimes not much has happened & some of the moments through out the day are too personal to post. But... I know everyone appreciates you and your way with words. Keep posting!

I must add a big THANK YOU too, to all the friends & neighbors & extended family members who have taken time to serve our family. Meals, treats, flowers, babysitting, cards of well wishes, the list goes on. We truly appreciate your service and kindness. Thank you so much!!

Shauna said...

That is so good to hear that she laughed. Laughter is medicine. Your mom used to laugh so hard with my mom.